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404 Woodland Road
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The Acorn Herbals website is intended to be informational and educational.  It is intended to link the reader to ideas about plants and the practical use of plants in the home.



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Filtering by Tag: invasive plants

Presentation on Invasive Plants

Debra Hultgren

knotweed bloom.jpg

Invasive or Exotic plants made their way to our country from all over the world. Us humans wanted them for their many culinary and/or medicinal uses, or as horticulturally attractive plants for gardens and estates. Some certainly came over by accident as hidden seeds, by long range birds, and in some manner: hitching a ride from their countries of origin. Now, depending on your point of view, invasive plants may horrify you or intrigue you, but like it or not, they are here. Knowing more about each and every one of the plants listed as invasive in Connecticut has become one of my passions.

This presentation in PowerPoint was made to the Franklin Garden Club and is certainly just the beginning of gathering and sharing information. There will be future updates, edits and more talks as I learn more. Enjoy, and don’t be frightened!
