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404 Woodland Road
United States

The Acorn Herbals website is intended to be informational and educational.  It is intended to link the reader to ideas about plants and the practical use of plants in the home.

Cooking with herbs

Pesto-Not Just for Basil

Debra Hultgren

Pesto is traditionally thought of as that delicious basil paste available for pasta or pizza.  Many people make their own with basil, garlic, olive oil, pine nuts and Italian cheese.  Pesto, a word coming from the Italian "pestare", "to pound", can be made from any fresh herb or green.  It is a great way to add a variety of tastes to dishes typically made with this yummy sauce.   However, it is also a great way to preserve herbs and herb combinations for future use.  I make all kinds of combinations and then freeze them in ice cube trays.  The video below, made in my own kitchen with my intern Anna, is a simple demonstration.  This is a Youtube video and at the end of the video Youtube makes other videos available.  Click the refresh button if you wish to see my video again.  I do not endorse any other video Youtube connects to mine.  Still learning about this stuff.