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404 Woodland Road
United States

The Acorn Herbals website is intended to be informational and educational.  It is intended to link the reader to ideas about plants and the practical use of plants in the home.

Cooking with herbs

Eat those Dandelions!

Debra Hultgren

Right in the yard is a powerful source of nutrition and "free" food.  I am pleased to see that the maligned Dandelion has fans all over the world.  Once we stop trying to murder it and everything around it with herbicides, we have a potentially unlimited resource for food, nutrition and medicine.  I will post recipes I make up as the season progresses but there are already many wonderful sites out on the web with dandelion recipes. Here are some below that you can check out:

Wellness Mama


Common Sense Home 

Eating Well

Mother Earth News

Eat the Weeds 

Nourished Kitchen

Whole Foods Market