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The Acorn Herbals website is intended to be informational and educational.  It is intended to link the reader to ideas about plants and the practical use of plants in the home.

Cooking with herbs

Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica)

Debra Hultgren

stinging nettle.jpg

Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica), a common weed found world wide, is a yummy and nutritious food. The young leaves and shoots can be cooked like any green and are rich in vitamins and minerals. People who know it often call it "The Seven Minute Itch" or worse because the leaves have small hairs that cause stinging when touched. The sting, though painful, is not dangerous and can be relieved by rubbing a leaf of Plantain on the effected area (More on that later). Gathering Nettle requires little skill, but a few tricks. My technique is to use long scissors and a big bowl and cut the tops into the bowl without touching them.  As soon as the plant is cooked or dried the stinging hairs disappear. However, it is possible to touch nettle safely but you have to know how. Look for a video on this site in the near future. 

                           My grandson, Jacob demonstrates how to greet a nettle leaf.  

                           My grandson, Jacob demonstrates how to greet a nettle leaf.